With us at your side, you can be confident that your project will not only meet but exceed cleanliness standards, leaving a lasting positive impression.
At Capital Cleaning, we understand that construction sites often accumulate dirt, grime, and various residues during the building process. That’s why we offer specialized construction pressure washing services to ensure your surfaces are clean, prepped, and ready for the next phase of construction or finishing.
Ready to transform your construction site with our expert pressure washing services? Contact us today to discuss your project, request a quote, or schedule a consultation. Let us be your trusted partner in achieving a clean and well-prepared construction site.
Get Started with Capital Cleaning Construction Pressure Washing

Surface Preparation
Our team is equipped with state-of-the-art pressure washing equipment to efficiently prepare surfaces for painting, sealing, or any other construction activity. We handle concrete, brick, wood, metal, stucco, and more.

Residue Removal
Construction residues like dust, mud, cement splatter, and paint overspray can be stubborn. Our pressure washing techniques effectively remove these contaminants, providing a clean slate for your project.

Tough Stain Removal
From oil and grease to rust and graffiti, we specialize in the removal of tough stains. Our experienced technicians adjust pressure levels and use appropriate cleaning solutions to tackle specific stains without causing damage to underlying materials.

Cleaning Solutions and Detergents
We use environmentally friendly cleaning solutions and detergents to enhance the effectiveness of our pressure washing process. These solutions are tailored to the construction residues and stains commonly found on job sites.

Safety First
Safety is our priority. Our team follows strict safety protocols, wears appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and exercises caution to ensure a secure work environment.
When the dirt gets tough, the tough get to pressure washing.
Pressure washing services we can do for you
- Surface prep
- Residue removal
- Stain removal
- Exterior buildings
- Parking garages
- Sidewalks and driveways